Welcome to Life by Design

Personal | Professional | Spiritual Growth


We are announcing an opportunity for you to receive group coaching in the areas of life and leadership through our  once a month gathering on Designing Your Tomorrow. It’s once a month, for 90 minutes. You will hear from top life and leadership experts through video presentations.

Our Life By Design series will boost your collective life and leadership skills and jumpstarts meaningful, on-the-ground change with ongoing inspiration and support. We will share content, spark discussions, and grow together.

Our hosts and coaches include Bob Cavinder and Jane Emberty. You’ll be encouraged, inspired and equipped to bring your tomorrow to life.   You’ll learn how we can not only design our tomorrow’s but how we can live and lead today. Invite a family member, friend or co-worker to join you!

For More Information & To Register


Starts November 2, 2024 for seven weeks

Saturdays, 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM via ZOOM

 $39 Material Fee (Covers materials including the Strengthfinder book and Clifton Strengths Assessment)

Scholarships available  

Take the practical steps you need to find your unique, God-given perspective purpose, passion and potential in this motivating, interactive, biblically based workshop with Bob and Michelle Cavinder and Kat Van Dusen

Have you discovered your purpose or are you in a season of re-purposing your life?   When God awakens His purpose in your heart, you won’t be able to let it go, you will pursue it until it has been fulfilled.  Life by Design features a proven process designed to help you discover, define and live out your vision along with your God given and personal purpose, passion and potential and to gain a new perspective on your life.

For More Information & To Register 


COMING January 2025

Take the practical steps you need to find your unique, God-given sense of mission and purpose in this motivating, interactive, biblically based workshop based on Tim Tebow’s Mission Possible.

A Six-Part  Video Facilitated Series with Tim Tebow on Living a Mission Possible Life

We want to do more than just exist. We want our lives to count. We want to believe that there’s more to our time on earth than just feeling pleasure, pursuing goals, and gaining social status.

Deep inside, we know the truth: our life’s mission is to live with purpose. For followers of Christ, living out that mission is possible because of what God has done for us through Jesus. We just need to know the steps to make it happen.

In this workshop, which includes six fifteen-minute video sessions, Tim Tebow introduces the tools you need to set your priorities and align your choices with God’s call on your life. We will facilitate group conversations during our time together as Tim Tebow guides us through Scripture and offers a clear plan for encouraging us to find our unique, God-given sense of mission so that we can live out the life of purpose we desire.

For More Information and the Register

To find out more, write to us at findyourpurpose@lifebydesign.net


Coming in 2025

Dates and time to be announced via Zoom

Escape the Ordinary is based on the powerful book, You Were Born for This,by New York Times Best-selling author and teacher, Bruce Wilkinson. In this groundbreaking video based course, Bruce reveals how to experience the miraculous intervention of God as an everyday occurrence.

In his creative, story-driven, highly motivating style, Bruce reveals how you can recognize God’s promptings, learn the “protocols of heaven” and see God move through extraordinary ministry opportunities He sets up.

Escape the Ordinary. Informative. Motivating. Life-changing. You will never be the same.

For More Information and the Register

To find out more, write to us at findyourpurpose@lifebydesign.net

The ability to connect with others is a major determining factor in reaching your full potential. It’s no secret! Connecting is a skill you can learn and apply in your personal, professional, and family relationships- and you can start now by taking one of our courses!  Check out the Faithworks Leadership Page for more information and to register.  Includes courses offered through Maxwell Leadership Certified Team.

Donate in 2024

Life by Design is a 501c3 non-profit organization and is supported by donations. All donations are tax deductible and your gift makes it possible for us to offer our ministry to others in the US and around the world.  Just click the donate button.

For more information about Life by Design, or for more information about our workshops please email us at findyourpurpose@lifebydesign.net